Thorough precision is Dr. Atabo’s hallmark. From a career as a plastic surgeon, Dr. Atabo became a software developer and a functional medicine practitioner. As founder and Medical Director at DoctorFunctionalMedicine, Dr. Atabo is a pioneer in the emerging field of network medicine, providing data-driven, personalised nutrition and lifestyle therapy for health and disease management.
A graduate from The University of Nottingham Medical School, Dr. Atabo is a Member of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, a Fellow in Plastic Surgery of the West African College of Surgeons. She holds a Master’s degree in International Health. She is a Certified Practitioner with The Institute for Functional Medicine. She is a former software developer at the respected, global tech company, ThoughtWorks Inc. Her mission is to deliver data-driven, personalised care to every clinical encounter worldwide.
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