The Virtual Experience

At TecXposition, we take the welfare of our guests very seriously. We are going VIRTUAL again in 2021. We aim to do this without compromising any of the great offerings we have in store for you.

The TecXposition virtual platform promises to deliver a rich online experience that can be used by anyone with a device and access to the internet.

We plan to offer most of the original features from the in-person model, with the conference, exhibition, hackathon, startup pitches, innovation discovery and demo suites.

Visit out Why Attend page for more details on event offerings.

Our virtual event will feature multiple stages, multiple tracks and many other features with a view to delivering a great online experience.
The TecXposition virtual platform is your gateway to a truly remarkable online experience.
Get Your ticket
Download the mobile app.

Before the event, sign into our virtual platform, create your unique profile (very quick and easy to do) and you are set.

Our virtual platform will enable you:

Create a Personalized Profile

Build Your Schedule

Virtually network with fellow guests

Watch sessions LIVE

Move across stages, tracks and sessions

Participate in polls, Q&A and games

Meet our sponsors and exhibitors – albeit virtually

Have 1:1 video calls as you network

All from the comfort of your chosen location!


Stay Connected

make sure you stay on top of what’s going on

Download our Mobile App

TecXposition | Technology Exposition Made Possible
Owned and delivered by Bespectacled Ltd (RC: 1456228)

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