A self-described entrepreneurial-minded strategist, Claude Borna is passionate about creating and leading disruptive businesses. With an MBA from UCLA and a bachelor’s from McGill University, she started as a senior consultant with Deloitte in London, then joined Amazon to drive highly strategic categories, and eventually moved to Sony Pictures where she was appointed Senior Vice President for Global Customers and Worldwide Commercial Strategy.
In 2016, Claude joined the Presidency of Benin to conceive and implement the International Knowledge and Innovation City called Sèmè City. As Managing Director and Chief Innovation Officer, she leads the multitalented team that is developing a unique framework to offer best-in-class academic, research and entrepreneurship programs within a smart eco-city. The goal is to provide young people with the skills to succeed in fast-changing environments while achieving inclusive and sustainable growth by promoting an Innovation Made in Africa model.
Claude strongly believes that this type of unprecedented collaboration between academia and entrepreneurship is the key to transform Africa.
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