Rouffahi Koabo

Rouffahi Koabo

Centre Incubateur des PME au Niger


Rouffahi Koabo is the CEO of CIPMEN, the first business incubator in Niger – specialized in Digital, Agribusiness and renewable energy – and the CEO of SahelInnov, the regional ecosystem for startups in Sahel region.

He is a board member of Africinnov (a Network of 70 francophones hub) and VP of the Nigers Incubator Network RESAEN. Before CIPMEN, Rouffahi worked for 10 years in the field of corporate consulting in digital transformation & data protection for major firms in America, Europe, and Africa. He is the co-founder of FIDENI (a private equity fund of Niger’s Diaspora), 3 startups in Niger, and two in France.

He also co-founded the first coding academy in Sahel region ( and the first forum ( that connect 4 keys stakeholders (public sector, development partners, entrepreneurship, and research). Rouffahi graduated from the Lyon 1 University in France and Concordia University in Canada and was part of the Nigerien Diaspora Associations in France and Canada.


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